Remler, D.K. & Van Ryzin, G.G. (2010). (Chapter 12) Randomized field experiments. Research methods in practice: Strategies for description and causation (pp. 395-426). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. [discussion: Q1 Q2 Q3 ] [RVR Ch. 12 QUIZ]
Phillips (2006). A guide for the perplexed: Scientific educational research, methodology, and the gold versus platinum standards. Educational Research Review, 15-26. [discussion: Q1 Q2 Q3 ]
[**OPTIONAL**] Derry, G. (1999). Chapter 13: Contentious questions: The shadowy borderlands of science. In What science is and how it works (pp. 174-188). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.[ discussion: ]
[**OPTIONAL**] Derry, G. (1999). Chapter 15: Questions of legitimacy: The postmodern critique of science. In What science is and how it works (pp. 207-214). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.[ discussion: ]